Power DistributionTransformers, main switch rooms, cable tunnels and canals, electrical cabinets and panels, power distrubiton facilities , power generator tribunes and so on.
Server rooms and cabinets, data storage and data processing areas, GSM base stations and switching centers, radio link stations and other similar places.
Engine rooms, load warehouses, speedboats, super yachts, sailboats, sea trailers and control rooms
Suspended ceilings and raised floors, attics, garrages, offices, warehouses, depots, etc.
Freight & Transport
Mine vehicles, trucks and lorries, engine cabinets and other compartments of local and intercty buses and vans, etc.
According to the United Nations decision, it has been made compulsory for the Fire Extinguishing Systems to be used in buses and the condition of fire systems to be UNECE R107 certified. TSE has certified its first and only R107 certificate by giving it to HAFEX Hybrid Aerosol Extinguishing Systems.
Machines and equipments of factories and workshops, CNC lathes and milling machines, automation control and power distribution boards/panels, transformer and accumulator rooms, etc.
Oil & Gas
Pump-valve and filling stations and rooms, machine fields, petrochemistry and gas pipe line systems, control and remote rooms, etc.
Locomotives, vagons, train staions, control rooms, maintenance and repair workshops, signalisation, navigation control centers.